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File List  |  1994-01-10  |  6KB  |  84 lines

  1. BIG_LANS.ZIP  [0]  "BIG LANS" FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions
  2.                                | list, w/answers) from the Internet and the
  3.                                | comp.dcom.lans.misc newsgroup on NLBBS.
  4.                                | primarily covers campus LANS, but more too.
  5. BULLMA14.ZIP  [0]  BULLETIN MASTER (Version 1.4) for LANs.
  6.                                | Bulletin Master allows you to create office
  7.                                | or LAN bulletins in a LAN environment. You
  8.                                | can specify the range of dates during which a
  9.                                | given bulletin should display.
  10. CERTOS2.ZIP   [0]  Info on IBM OS/2 and LAN Server certification
  11.                                | programs-includes certified instructor tests
  12. EMAIL284.ZIP  [0]  Nice e-mail windows for networks freeware
  13.                                | excellent works with all networks.
  14. ETHLD103.ZIP  [0]  Ethernet protocol analyzer
  15. FSL12D.ZIP    [0]  FSLOGIN v1.2 ASP - Full Screen Login is a
  16.                                | menu utility for all Novell NetWare users.
  17.                                | This program gives your users a new and
  18.                                | enhanced way to login. Installation takes
  19.                                | five minutes. Author: Aad Slingerland.
  20. KWCAST10.ZIP  [0]  KWCast v1.0: DOS/MS-Windows (duel platform)
  21.                                | network broadcast message utility that allows
  22.                                | you to send a message to all stations (like
  23.                                | SEND "message" to EVERYONE); Karl Weller
  24. LAN204.ZIP    [0]  LAN Menu 2.04 (Network Menu) MicroFox Company
  25.                                | Menu and Security System for DOS and Networks
  26.                                | Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros
  27.                                | and menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass)
  28.                                | Member of [ASAD] <ASP> and {STAR}
  29. LCF.ZIP       [0]  LCF Description File - OS/2 LAN Installation.
  30.                                | This file should be downloaded and read
  31.                                | before the LCF product is downloaded from the
  32.                                | latest file (LCF1nn.ZIP).
  33. LDPR11TX.ZIP  [0]  Text file that describes setting up the LAN
  34.                                | Distance bridge.  These solutions will assist
  35.                                | you with not being able to access your
  36.                                | controllers (eg, 3270 Controller for Comm
  37.                                | Mgr, IBM Domain Controller for IBM LAN
  38.                                | Server, etc).
  39. MAILWT30.ZIP  [0]  Mail Watcher ver 3.0 - for MS-Mail (Microsoft
  40.                                | Mail for Networks.
  41. MISCNEW.ZIP   [0]  New Announcements from Artisoft.
  42. NCHAT.ZIP     [0]  NetChat V2.10 allows users to chat across an
  43.                                | IBM LAN. Similar to CB. This version supports
  44.                                | multiple conferences, unlimited users, and
  45.                                | the use of Handles.
  46. NETIME20.ZIP  [0]  NET-TIME v2.00 - Synchronize time/date across
  47.                                | your LAN. Supports Net BIOS & Novell Netware
  48. NETLST10.ZIP  [0]  NETLIST v1.0 beta - Message Network
  49.                                | Information Manager.
  50. NFS_FAQ.ZIP   [0]  The PC NFS FAQ (9/93) from the Internet.
  51.                                | Comprehensive info re: NFS use on DOS-based
  52.                                | systems (using TCP/IP, Novell, etc.).
  53. Q1100.ZIP     [0]  Q v1.100: quick print queue status util for
  54.                                | Netware networks (2.x/3.x); will display all
  55.                                | items that are in all print queues (that you
  56.                                | have access for); meant to be used by system
  57.                                | administrators as a way of quickly looking to
  58.                                | see if any print queue is backed up; 10.11.93
  59. SLOCK21.ZIP   [0]  Station Lock 2.1: This software effectively
  60.                                | locks up a dos-station on a temporary basis.
  61.                                | Its use will allow a client to prevent others
  62.                                | from interrupting work or occupying a station
  63.                                | should the client be forced to be away from
  64.                                | it for some time. LAN utility.
  65. VDS30C.ZIP    [0]  VDS (Virus Detection System) 3.0
  66.                                | An up-to-date anti-virus package for IBM
  67.                                | PCs with Novell Netware(tm) LAN support.
  68.                                | It features a fast scanner, a robust
  69.                                | integrity checker, real-time decoy launcher,
  70.                                | and a generic virus remover. Shareware vers
  71.                                | the military-grade "Pro" version.
  72. WS22.ZIP      [0]  Work Status v2.2 by Tardis consultants
  73.                                | Integrated LAN/Business users PIM phone book
  74. XFILE3.ZIP    [0]  X-File3 1.63 (Extensions Software
  75.                                | Corporation; $133) is a network file
  76.                                | management program for Banyan Vines and
  77.                                | Novell.
  78. XOUT3.ZIP     [0]  X-Out3 1.24 (Extensions Software Corporation;
  79.                                | $133) is a network in/out tracking system for
  80.                                | Banyan Vines and Novell.
  81. XSKED3.ZIP    [0]  X-Sked3 1.44 (Extensions Software
  82.                                | Corporation; $133) is a network scheduling
  83.                                | system for Banyan Vines and Novell.